Beethoven: Autumn Passion

III. Experience: Creation of a Legend

Revies, Earned Doings

1 Beethoven Autumn Passion


2. Sept. 5, 2014 WSCL /NPR


Three Great Sonatas

Roberto McCausland Dieppa, piano

Scruffy Records 020567658

ISBN # 8 88295 10573 6

Official Website of Roberto McCausland Dieppa

Columbia born pianist Dieppa rose to prominence as a classical pianist, winning the Merrill-Lynch prize in 2002, and in 2006 winning the Pro-Arte Hungarica prize for performances of Liszt and Bartok, leading to work with Henry Kissinger for the United Nations to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian revolution on 1956.  His work as conductor and composer have broadened to classical fusion, as well as a focus on the music of his native country, and his own works infused with a multi-continental muse.   Here he returns to basic works of Beethoven, given his own unique style and energy.  From the structure of the CD you see his acknowledgement of current listening patterns, where each movement of complete works is listed separately.  It is an acceptance that today’s listener may just listen to one particular movement, then move on.

Thanks again to Stephanie Clark, our S.U. practicum, for pulling together the CD pictures, websites, and basic information to help you find out more about the works that pique your interest.

Kara Dahl Russell


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